March 14th Newsletter 2024

Once we confront something uncomfortable in our life, denial kicks in until we come to Acceptance and Non-Judgement

After this past few months, it’s good to get a little astrological reprieve……. until the next cycle of healing occurs! What we hear from the field, is that people are being challenged on many fronts, illness, death, financial, family upsets, and a general feeling of unease….. what will happen next? We can relate and are finding our balance in dealing with issues as they come up with a healthy dose of nature thrown in. Nature has a way of smoothing out the rough edges and giving us a fresh look at life. Take advantage of this “FREE” nature gift!

In New Phoenix Rising, we honor what we are shown and taught by following nature. Nature, the master teacher that we all have access to, no matter where we live, is active 24/7. The earth is going through her own cycle of healing and producing virus’s and bacteria’s that have never been seen before. Do you realize that less than half of our body cells are actually human? Some say the rest of us is made up of bacteria, virus’s, fungi, microbes, a sprinkle of stardust, and a few more amazing substances. It’s a good reminder that not all virus’s or bacteria’s are bad when we learn to work with them they provide great benefit to our health. BioLumina Spirulina is a food that can assist in bringing balance to the body. In studies over the last 45 years it has shown to ease inflammation and be of benefit for many diseases without the need for medication. Is it a cure-all? Not really, Spirulina is simply the most nutritious food on the planet and known to fill in many missing nutrients from our polluted and compromised food supply. Taken on a daily basis, it is natures “insurance” for keeping our bodies healthy and strong. We can surely use more assistance these days!Logo of New Phoenix Rising

We are not “what we eat, but what we absorb.” Recent research shows us how important a healthy microbiome is to our overall health. It is now well known that most chronic disease is associated with an imbalance in our gut. With gut issues rampant, we need something that works efficiently, long term and most importantly, in harmony with nature. Spirulina, which is 80-95% digestible, has been shown to be both a pre and probiotic binging needed nutrients for building a healthy microbiome to your body. Another often overlooked issue is an overgrowth of negative bacteria in the small intestines, which can prevent the absorption of healthy nutrients into the body. Toxic exposure from eating non-organic foods, GMO’d foods, ingesting pollution from the soil, water and air (including chem trails) and other toxins we have allowed into our environment, all weaken the small intestines and lead to negative bacteria overgrowth (imbalance). Our gut-health product, Harmonic Biome, assists in eliminating negative bacteria naturally and safely, without eliminating the positive bacteria, so that nutrients from food can actually be absorbed and used in the body. Drug based treatments on the other hand (antibiotics for example), can further compromise the healing process by indiscriminately killing off the positive as well as the negative bacteria.

Let nature take it’s course with these potent, organic Harmonic Biome herbs to bring your digestive tract into good working order. Harmonic Biome is made up of garlic, mint, slippery elm and Quantum Infusion. While we do not guarantee any particular result, many are finding it life changing. The energy frequency added to Harmonic Biome assists with restoring and sustaining the body’s natural ability to regulate digestion and absorption for all gastrointestinal organs and their functions. Since our gut is so closely connected with our brain this energy frequency is also excellent for assisting with the mental process of learning to discern the pure from the un-pure. Our ability to think clearly and make good decisions for ourselves is directly related to a healthy communication with all parts of our body especially the gut and the brain.

So back to our thoughts on dealing with what is presented in our daily lives ……. having a clear mind and body that functions properly provides a foundation for being present to what is being presented to us at any given moment. Our knowledge and clarity about why we are here, (our purpose), of how to enhance our own life as well as the lives of our fellow humans and how to maintain our good health all play a role in the choices we make each day. Judging ourselves or others, (as opposed to using discernment) keeps us stuck by actually inhibiting our ability to know the whole truth of any situation. Acceptance of what is, is a way to more clearly see what is actually happening so that we can move forward in balance.

If you would like a tutorial on healthy foods for the gut, we would be happy to e-mail a copy to you. Ask by phone, email or message us!


New Phoenix Rising Blog


We are committed to be of assistance in the evolution of human consciousness. Through cultivating Authenticity, Congruence and Empowerment, and by enhancing people’s ability to choose Health, Abundance and love, we are fostering the development of Global Spiritual Community based on freedom, personal creativity and harmony with Nature.

Lance & Lyndia Leonard

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